This product can be supplied in both skin-passed and non-skin-passed condition.
This material is suitable for the following first stage manufacturing processes:
- Decoiling
- Slitting
- Blanking
Material can also be supplied in a Pickled & Oiled condition
Post the decoiling process, material can also be supplied in a shot blast only, or shot blast and primer painted conditions.
HRC is the substrate product that forms the back bone of the steel strip industry; any further constituent product made from steel will have been manufactured from one point in its life from Hot Rolled Coil.
We offer HRC in a number of Euro-norm Steel Specifications:
- BS EN10025-2 : Structural Steel
- Grades: S275JR+AR & J2+AR, (AR being as rolled)
- BS EN10025-2 : High Yield
- Grades: S355JR+AR & J2+AR
- BS EN10149 – High Strength, low Alloy (HSLA)
- Grades: S355MC, S420MC, S460MC & S700MC
- BS EN 10111: Drawing & Forming
- Grades : DD11 & DD14